Collegiate No.BI03472
Sergio is a psychologist who stands out for his great curiosity about answers that a priori have no explanation. Since he was little he has been linked to psychology and today he is a professional who enjoys his work and especially helping people.
It is formed in:
- Limited Time Master in Psychotherapy and Health Psychology
- Regressive Therapy
- Brain Integration Techniques
- Synchronization of cerebral hemispheres in children and adults
- Factor intelligence analysis and general intelligence in the development of high capacities
Currently he does not stop training to be able to offer the best to his patients
Carlos is a physical therapist with studies in osteopathy. Understand the body and mind as a whole. In his treatments he seeks to find the origin of the injury to restore the health of his patients.
It is formed in:
- Nutrigenomics applied to musculoskeletal health
- Pilates
- Infant colic
In his desire to continue completing his diagnoses and offering the best to his patients, he is training in:
´- Master in high performance in physical and sports preparation, prevention and functional recovery
- MBA in emotional intelligence and health coaching
Collegiate No. 3510 COFPV
Carlos is a physical therapist with studies in osteopathy. Understand the body and mind as a whole. In his treatments he seeks to find the origin of the injury to restore the health of his patients.
It is formed in:
- Nutrigenomics applied to musculoskeletal health
- Pilates
- Infant colic
In his desire to continue completing his diagnoses and offering the best to his patients, he is training in:
´ - Master in high performance in physical and sports preparation, prevention and functional recovery
- MBA in emotional intelligence and health coaching
Colegiado Nº4556 COFPV
Fisioterapeuta y osteópata
Judit es fisioterapeuta y osteópata. Su pasión por la fisioterapia nace del deporte, el cual ha formado parte de su vida desde siempre. Como jugadora de fútbol pudo entender de primera mano la importancia de la recuperación y el bienestar físico y como fisioterapeuta tuvo la oportunidad de colaborar con la Selección Española de Hockey y ser parte de Avanza en la Female Madrid Experience, trabajando con deportistas de alto rendimiento y aprendiendo junto a ellos.
Su formación es:
- Graduada en Fisioterapia
- Máster en Osteopatía
- Postgrado en Microbiota
- Instructora de Nordic Walking
En su afán de seguir completando sus diagnósticos y ofrecer lo mejor a sus pacientes, se está formando en:
- Máster Interuniversitario en Neurociencias
Preparadora física y readaptadora
Aída es una preparadora física que se ha especializado en salud.
Ha entendido el deporte como un todo, que no solo sirve para batir récords, sino como una manera de ayudar a las personas a sentirse mejor con ellas mismas; tanto en la salud física (prevenir enfermedades) como en la salud mental (estrés, ansiedad, depresión...), generando bienestar en múltiples contextos donde se desarrollan las personas.
Cree no solo en ganar años de vida, sino en dar vida a los años.
Está formada en:
- Graduada en Cafyd
- Máster en recuperación funcional, prevención y readaptación de lesiones.
- Master en entrenamiento para patologías y poblaciones especiales.
Siempre formándose y actualizada para brindar el mejor servicio a sus pacientes